'In a conversation moderated by Elena Eberhard, Fashion Journalism Coordinator, a panel of Journalism instructors discussed the impact of poetry on journalism and content creation. The workshop highlighted helpful resources and a range of creative approaches to polish and sharpen your writing and expand your artistic vocabulary. Instructors on the panel: Josh Walker, Diane Dorrans Saeks, Flora Tsapovsky, Olia Kedik, and Alexey Timbul Bulokhov. Established in 1929, Academy of Art University is one of the largest private accredited art and design schools in the nation. Located in San Francisco, the epicenter of culture and technology, Academy of Art University offers more than 135 accredited degree programs spanning 40 areas of study, including entertainment arts, advertising, fashion, architecture, game development, music, communication, photography and more. To learn more about Academy of Art University, visit https://www.academyart.edu/ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/academy_of_art/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/academy_of_art/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AcademyofArtUniversity LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/academy-of-art-university/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/academyofartu/'
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